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  Wise Woman / Croning


What do most people think of when they hear the word Crone -- An unloveable wrinkled old woman? an insult? A hag?


Our western society tends to dismiss women who have reached an advanced age and see nothing at all to celebrate. We have moved away from the Village Support were everyone had a productive role to play for the benefit of all.


History has shown us that many cultures have recognised the three stages of a woman - Mother. Maiden, Crone and all three stages were celebrated. Fortunately times are changing and many women are again embracing this time in their lives.  


It is time to celebrate that you are now a Wise Woman, an Elder of the Village




The Crone was the one the youth went to for advice, she was a teacher and a healer, her knowledge was sought by the tribal elders. To gain the status of Crone was an honour.


Have you noticed that many women in their 50’s and older are reclaiming their womanhood ? They have decided that this is THEIR time and celebrating their life in they way they want to. Wearing what they want to wear, doing what they want to do, having a more active social life than ever before, not allowing society to tell them – you are old now, go somewhere and hide.


  This is reclaiming the name of Crone. Wise Woman. Knowing Elder.

Traditionally a woman had a Croning ceremony once she had finished menopause. This was a celebration attended by all of the woman of the village as well as neighbouring villages.


A Croning ceremony is usually performed by another women who has already attained the position of Crone. There is no set rule for how a ceremony is conducted, but many of the following can be included;


  • Singing and dancing

  • Symbols of your celebration -- a staff, a special cloak, a garland or crown

  • Drumming, music or poetry celebrating womanhood

  • A table with photos of female relatives and friends who have empowered you

  • A celebratory meal

  • A symbol of the passage into Cronehood -- entering through a curtain or tunnel, crossing a ceremonial threshold

  • An exchange of gifts or blessings (a Croning basket filled with chocolates and herbal teas is popular)

I am sure by now you are asking – what exactly would happen at my Wise Woman / Croning Ceremony? Well it really can be anything you want it to be.


A good way to start can be to get together with some of your girlfriends and decide to do this as a group. Invite females young and old to help you celebrate this new time in your life. Going through the suggestions above and bringing in any ideas you have, I can work with you to plan your celebration.  


The word Crone is now a power word for you so celebrate your lifetime of achievements knowing you have many more to come.


You have earned it – take it – make it yours !!!

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